Wynncraft Wiki
NPC Info
X: -883 Z: -1229
Location Creeper's Hideout
Quest Involved The Temple of the Legends

Garull is a scientist obsessed with Creepers, you can find him at the Creeper's Hideout in the Pigmen's Ravines. He resides in a very small room to the right of the hideout.


Garull is needed for the Temple of the Legends quest. He gives you the Purified Helmet if you bring him 1 Old Touroto Hide, 1 Aseado Leaf, 1 Maro's Eye Jewel and 1 Coral of Nelfors. Make sure to equip your creeper mask before you make the trip here. You will not be able to get in the hideout without it.

Festival of the Bonfire[]

NPC Info
X: 486 Z: -1537
Location Detlas

Garull reappears in Detlas for the 2022 Festival of the Bonfire, being located by Zuett at the burned out campfire.


First Conversation[]

  • Garull: So loud... Why is everything so loud- Aah! Oh, it's just you!
  • Garull: No, no, you didn't sneak up on me this time, it's just that with the festival going on, there's so much noise.
  • Garull: I'm glad I found this corner away from the hustle and bustle, but it's still loud.
  • Garull: Well, I guess it's to be expected, and I did need to get away from my work.
  • Garull: It's good to see that you survived that beast, too. Did you feel like talking?

The regular dialogue options appear after this.

Following Conversations[]

  • Garull: I really should invest in earplugs... Oh, hello again.
  • Garull: Anything you felt like talking about?
    • [1] How do you know Kelight?
      • Garull: It's a long story, and I almost wish I'd never met him really. The man has an ego bigger than his nose.
      • Garull: Because of my research's and my craftsman skill, I was in the employ of the Temple of the Legends for a long time.
      • Garull: I contributed to a lot of the tomes there, and helped forge the armor used by the guards and trainers.
      • Garull: And that included Kelight's equipment. He was...exactingly particular with his specifications.
      • Garull: The thing is, that isn't the bad part. Expecting quality is...well, to be expected, and I enjoy testing my skills.
      • Garull: The problem is, I talk when I work. If my mouth isn't moving, neither are my hands.
      • Garull: One day, he overheard me mentioning Creepers while monitoring my work, and he got downright insulting towards me.
      • Garull: He'd always been condescending but this was on another level. I remember his exact words.
      • Garull: "Quit chasing those fairy tales. You may as well suggest that a dragon will swoop down in the middle of Detlas!"
      • Garull: Every time he saw me he'd bring it up, and I don't even think it was meant to be insulting, but it was anyways.
      • Garull: I had to see him every day coming into the Temple. I had to leave because of his incessant mockery, I couldn't take it!
    • [2] What's your best work?[1]
      • Garull: My best- You mean, what's the best thing I ever made?
      • Garull: Oh, that's...actually a tough question. There's a lot of things I'm proud of having made.
      • Garull: Hm... If I had to pick my magnum opus...
      • Garull: I would have to say the plate armor for the Legend Guards.
      • Garull: They still use my design at the Temple- I left very precise blueprints for them to follow.
      • Garull: It was actually one of my earlier works, but I don't think anything I've made since has been of better quality.
      • Garull: Not the stave of the Temple's Grand Magus, not the equipment for the Trainers...
      • Garull: It has some kind of... I don't know how to describe the quality of it. But I have never once seen a single one of those plates rust or crack, or even suffer a scratch.
    • [3] Why the interest in Creepers?
      • Garull: Oh, that one's easy. I study cryptids.
      • Garull: I've always been fascinated by the kinds of beasts people dream up in stories and myths. Those ideas had to come from somewhere.
      • Garull: Creepers just happened to be the ones that were the most... Vindicating, to find.
      • Garull: Like, most of the strange things I've found have some kind of rational explanation to them.
      • Garull: But I've studied those Creepers for years and years and never figured out their biology.
      • Garull: They just fulfill a lifelong notion that there's more to the world than what's in the history books.
    • [4] What other kinds of creatures do you study?[2]
      • Garull: Mostly I try and look for one whose properties could be useful in making things.
      • Garull: It's how I discovered Touroto Hide, actually! I didn't know they were commonplace in Gavel at first.
      • Garull: If I can crack the biology of Creepers, then I've got this idea for a handheld cannon using natural, farmable explosive powder. Saltpeter is tough to come by, after all.
      • Garull: But right now I'm looking up stories about the mythical "Sunset Sailors" actually.
      • Garull: They're from a kids book, yeah, but the idea of clothes and vehicles that could let you fly would be an astounding advancement!
      • Garull: And, when I say flying vehicles, I mean smaller and more nimble and easier to make and pilot than airships.
      • Garull: I mean, wouldn't that be something? An aerial caravan, without a giant balloon to hold it up!
    • [5] How's the company?
      • Garull: Surprisingly personable, all things considered.
      • Garull: Who did you mean, in specific?
        • [1] Zuett.[3]
          • Garull: Ah, right! The orc fellow. Admittedly, orcs are fairly typical in Gavel, and I'm no antropologist.
          • Garull: So despite being new to me, he doesn't quite scratch the itch of meeting a mythical creature.
          • Garull: Zuett here does, however, have plenty of tall tales to tell. Something about a creature called an Alraune?
          • Garull: Apparently Alraune petals are full of natural earth magic, so that's getting my brain in gear, thinking about that.
          • Garull: Like, sure- you can use them for medicine, but what if you could make some kind of... ...some kind of...
          • Garull: ...flower hat? No, no, that's ridiculous. Might look fetching at parties, but...not useful useful...
          • Garull: ...what if it...let you burrow? Like...spread roots you could travel between- no, that's more like a mushroom...magic mushroom hat? Well...
          • He trails off into intent mutterings.
        • [2] Korzim.[4]
          • Garull: Kind of a dream come true if I'm being honest! Apparently it was thought that Doguns were extinct, or nearly so!
          • Garull: And the idea of Dogun magma being used for metal casting sounds like it could make amazingly resilient equipment!
          • Garull: But, I am trying to keep it a little hush-hush. A dwarf merchant was over here earlier talking about similar things?
          • Garull: Korzim's a bit tough to read, but it's clear the suggestion put him off. I'm trying to keep myself in check.
          • Garull: But utility or no utility, he's friendly enough and has some interesting things to say. I'm glad I came, if for no other reason than meeting him.
    • [6] Just passing through.
      • Garull: Hey, just cause I don't like the noise doesn't mean I mind a conversation every now and again.


  1. This option is available once you have asked Garull how he knew Kelight.
  2. This option is available once you have asked Garull why he was interested in Creepers.
  3. This option is available once you have completed All Roads to Peace.
  4. This option is available once you have completed Dwarves and Doguns Part IV.