Wynncraft Wiki
通天塔 CBQuestIcon
Difficulty {{{difficulty}}}
地点 Tower of Ascension
Province [[{{{province}}}]]
等级 40-100
奖励 As follows:


通天塔 是Wynncraft中最难的任务之一,也(略有争议的)是Wynn省中最难的任务。它将在一系列战斗中测试玩家的技能,有些战斗甚至需要他人的援助。任务开始于 Tower of Ascension(地点),在那里 Ankou 将会要求你通关该塔的每一层。(备注:以下一些敌人的血量信息可能已过时)


Ankou 是此任务开始和结束时的NPC,也是唯一一个提供对话的NPC。每一层的关主只会向你索要令牌,或是告诉你你可以继续前进了。


  • Ankou: 呵呵呵……你好啊。
  • Ankou: 欢迎来到通天塔!
  • Ankou: 我邀请你挑战攀升到通天塔的最后一层!
  • Ankou: 你具备了征服它的能力了吗?
  • Ankou: 可能你想先了解一下塔的结构?呵呵……
  • Ankou: 通天塔一共有7层,每层有10关。
  • Ankou: 每一层有9个普通关和1个boss关。
  • Ankou: 想要通过一个普通关,你需要在关卡挑战中收集10个令牌;对于boss关,则只需要一个。
  • Ankou: 当你通过一整层的时候,你就会回到这里,然后你可以开始下一层……
  • Ankou: 所以,你还有什么想说的?呵呵……
  • Ankou: 左转,进入第一层吧……如果你有这胆量的话……


  • Ankou: 看起来,你已经打通了我的通天塔……
  • Ankou: 你和Death玩得开心吗?我真是太了解他了……
  • Ankou: 没有几个人真的征服了这么极限的挑战。
  • Ankou: 那些完成的人,都是这片大陆最精英的战士。
  • Ankou: 他们值得获得全大陆最好的装备。
  • Ankou: 拿着,拿好这些,这是你的努力换来的……呵呵……



关卡敌人信息见此: Tower of Ascension (地点)

  • 在通过全部7层后,前去与Ankou最后一次对话,并获取奖励。


  • 通关通天塔所获得的奖励经验值随你的战斗等级变化,建议在70-75级左右完成任务。如果你真的在40级完成了任务,你会得到少得多的经验。
  • 第一层的Boss,Snow Bear,非常简单。直接把它逼到角落,疯狂平A即可。每过一段时间,使用一次你的攻击性咒语。
  • 第二层的Boss,Argaddon,也差不多弱,但不像Snow Bear,它的血非常厚。你只需要重复使用攻击性技能,并间或使用治疗、战吼、隐身、逃脱等技能来提升攻防属性。记得需要的时候喝蓝药或血药。
  • 第三层的Boss,Witch Doctor,比前面两个稍强。尝试在近身战斗前先闪避它的攻击。
  • 第四层的Boss,Guardian,易受电伤,建议携带一把电伤武器。尽可能多的使用你的攻击性咒语,并且保持移动。
  • Floor 5's boss, Chained Beast, is perhaps one of the hardest bosses in the Tower of Ascension. Its charge ability can one-shot the unwary, and is supremely accurate. If you wish to solo it, the best class for beating Chained Beast would be the Archer or the Mage. For Archer, use Escape and sprint around the boss, using Bomb Arrow when the boss begins Charge. For Mage, grab your tankiest equipment and spam Meteor, using Ice Snake every now and then and regular Heals. Additionally, since the Chained Beast does neutral damage, a Warrior with the War Scream resistance buff and 114 points in Defense will be immune to his attacks as long as the resistance buff is up.
    • There are cobwebs in the boss room, and some are on the floor. It is possible to knock the boss into the cobweb and then do ranged attacks before the boss charges again. This is possible with all classes, but ranged attacks (specifically from Archer) benefit the most from this strategy.
  • Floor 6's boss, Alkevo, is a patience boss. As of 1.14, Alkevo uses its suicide strike quite a lot more often, and is impossible to kill for the next 10 or so suicide strikes. Then he'll 'cool down', and that's the window of time you have to kill him before he starts up the suicide chain. Hence you should try to do as much damage as possible in the short period of time you are given.
  • 第7层的最后一个普通敌人,Ethereal Demigod,会使用极其强力的多重打击,几乎可以秒杀任何人。一定要小心谨慎!有10000以上的血量很重要。(译者注:其实技能前摇很长、范围不大且容易预判,及时跑路即可。)
  • Floor 7's boss, Death, is not that hard. With the exception of the other bosses, Death is quite easy. Bring a good water weapon for maximum damage. If you wish to solo him, dps like crazy during the first stages of the battle, to lower Death as much as possible before all the other bosses spawn. Snow Bear will spawn first, then Argaddon/Guardian, then Chained Beast/Witch Doctor/Alkevö will spawn, making the battle even harder. If you wish to bring a party, it would be essential to bring a Mage along, as not only can they heal you in the midst of battle, they can also deal much damage to the enemy with meteor spells.


  • KEE-L Tron,第5层第9关的怪物,名字取自前Wynn建筑师Kealtron.
  • 全塔的最终Boss,“死神”,并不是真正死神的灵魂,而是一个冒牌货。Legendary博士和死神本人都证实了这一点。


  • 尽管你在任务结束时会获得冠军套装,奖励信息里并不会包含这个。
  • (译者的私货)你可以将多余的令牌带出房间。这样如果你有多个职业,并想让等级较低的职业轻松通关,你可以用高等级职业重新完成全塔、带出足够的令牌,将令牌存入银行;之后使用低等级职业登录,取出令牌,携带它们进入每一层,这样只需一路与关主对话,无需打怪即可通关。