Wynncraft Wiki

V.I.P. is a perk package on server. The cost of a lifetime upgrade is $25.00 USD. If you already have VIP, you do not have to purchase VIP+ for the full price. You can upgrade for the 25$ difference.

V.I.P. Features $25

  • Green name
  • Reserved slots
  • A Creeper pet
  • Reskinned Classes - You will be allowed to play as the “Knight” and the “Hunter” class.
  • Magical effects - You have the option of using the smoke, magic and fire effect around you as you travel.
  • Farm disguises - You will be able to disguise yourself as the mobs chicken, cow, pig or sheep.
  • Bigger Parties - Parties of 16 players instead of 8!
  • VIP Forum - Secret VIP forum! Type /forum to unlock.
  • Bank Space - You will keep larger bank space if you had VIP before update 1.12, but the cap will no longer be part of the VIP rank, after the 1.12 update.
  • More Souls - If you have VIP before update 1.12 then you keep the 15 soul points cap, but the maximum soul point cap will no longer be part of the VIP rank, after the 1.12 update.
  • No lobby translucency - You'll stand out amongst the others!
  • VIP Access - Get access to VIP reserved slots on servers!
  • Zombie horse cloak - Speaks for itself, you get a cloak for your horse!
  • Dye kit - (Red, Green, Blue & Yellow)
  • Ability to ride other players
  • Notify people when you log in - I think it speaks for itself - In a small area around you, people will see when you join.
  • 2 Party bombs, and 1 Item bomb
  • 5 shouts
  • Attack animations - (cloud, fire, sparks) This is new cosmetic feature will allow you to change the way your attack animation looks! When you left click to attack something, you will have an additional animation to show off how cool you are!

V.I.P+ Features $50

  • All the VIP features
  • Silverfish pet
  • 2 more Reskinned classes - In addition to the Knight and Hunter class, you will also have access to the Dark Wizard and Ninja classes! Visual alterations of the Mage and Assassin!
  • Mythical effects
  • Undead disguises
  • Skeleton horse cloak
  • Dye kit (All available colors) - Okay, this one is a new cosmetic feature. You will be able to open up a GUI in game, and select a colour. This will then automatically change your armour into “dyed leather armour” with the same lore and name and statistics.
  • Ability to ride your pet
  • Access to the slap and rocket command in lobby
  • 5 Party bombs, 2 Item bombs and 1 XP bomb
  • 10 shouts
  • Cyan name Much like the green name, VIP+ receive their own special color! Cyan! (its also Cyan in the name tag above the players head)
  • OST jukebox! Open a GUI and have the ability to play your favorite wynncraft song anywhere in the world! 
  • Attack animations - (Lava, emerald and letters).

VIP Before

  • Before the 1.05 Update (29 June 2013), VIP had slightly different features. Ragni, Detlas and Nemract were the only non-VIP cities; Nesaak and Almuj were both donor only areas. Lifetime VIP cost $50.00 USD, three months of VIP cost $25.00, and one month of VIP cost $10.00. After the update, all previous lifetime VIPs received a free Pet and all other VIPs were upgraded to lifetime.
  • Prior to the Update, those who had given money to the server were known as Donors rather than VIPs.