Wynncraft Wiki

Item Lore
Sheer strength exudes from these Orcish relics, simple sandals ill-fitting to humans or Villagers. Enchanted with power and rage rather than magic, the strength that is provided when they are worn is unparalleled.
Item Information
Item Diamond Boots
Min. Level 98
Rarity Mythic
Powder Slots 3 (Powder SlotPowder SlotPowder Slot)
Obtain Loot Chests
Mob Drop
Base Defenses
Health Bonus +5225 Full Heart Icon
Earth -150
Thunder -150
Water -100
Fire -100
Air -100
Strength Min: 80
Dexterity Min: 80

Warchief is a pair of level 98 Mythic boots.


It costs 1854 Emeralds to identify Warchief.

Identification Minimum Value Maximum Value
 Strength   ~  +20
 Dexterity   ~  +10
 Exploding   +11%  +46%
 Walk Speed   -19%  -10%
 % Main Attack Damage   +12%  +52%
  Main Attack Damage   +95  +410
 % Earth Damage   +12%  +52%
 % Thunder Damage   +15%  +65%
